
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Q1dy73C4FdWUZOUm5HeHlRc1pQRzFRRV9EdXk2WUZucXhz  (Click on the link to hear the audio)


(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)



And now you came to know yourselves, and you came to know the why of the transformations and its finality and its ending.

The end of the transformations being the return to your true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD, the world of the pure, clean and perfect ones, with their progress of purity.

And now, no one can waste time any longer, for the knowledge, the development of the Reasoning, of the Rational Clairvoyance and of the Rational Apparatus are at their acme.

And for the Reasoning and the Rational Knowledge being at their acme, the RATIONAL WORLD doors are opened to everyone.

The acme of the knowledge is the positive point of everyone´s return to the inside of your true world, the RATIONAL WORLD.

The true world of the origin of what is Rational.

Now, everyone is to read and read to develop the Reasoning more quickly.

The knowledge proceeds, but now it has come to its acme of the Rational vibration, of the Reasoning´s development.

Everyone feeling its effects, confirmed by successive proofs.

And seeing downing in oneself a new brilliant aurora, which is the development of the Reasoning.


Because the knowledge came to the acme and the ones that have matured feel the vibration of this new aurora expanding in themselves and among everyone, through the dawning of a new aurora, which is the Rational Energy.

The forces multiply themselves, and the powers also, and everything being accomplished for the good of everyone and of the beyond.

And that is the evolution of the Rational Phase.

The everything of everyone´s life; the Reasoning’s development and of its general complement.

And everyone coming to know themselves naturally, stricken by Nature´s natural aura, the pure, clean and perfect aura, which is the Rational Energy.

The hereafter of all reunited virtues, pure, clean and perfect, of the RATIONAL WORLD.

Nature, happy, clean and united in its brilliant evolution, for Nature´s phase is Rational.

The reason of Nature´s natural powers.

And with that true of the trues hereafter, everyone coming to their true ending and meeting with your true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD.

That is the finality of the Reasoning´s development, for the Reasoning world is the RATIONAL WORLD.

And many, anxious that this day of peace, love and fraternity arrives.

And there is, in everyone´s hands, the day ambitioned by everyone: to know your true world, the RATIONAL WORLD and know how to return there.





(*)  Text in Portuguese:







Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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