
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Q1dy73C4FdMFYwcDNtem5JX0l3Qks5YkhVWmRqTE85S0Nj  (Click on the link to hear the audio)


(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)




And Nature with its evolution, feeding everyone inside the Rational Phase.

Being fed by the Rational energy, for Nature´s natural phase is Rational.

And Nature, for Nature´s natural phase being connected with the Rational Energy, the development of the Reasoning is fed by the origin of its phase, the Rational Phase.

And that food made by the Rational Phase, Nature´s natural, the Reasoning will develop itself much faster than one can calculate, for its development is being fed by the most powerful energy of the world, which is the Rational Energy.

For one to see that there is no difficulty or delay, nor obstacle, but yes, time is now, for Nature´s natural phase is Rational.

But who does not know himself, creates obstacles on that which he does not know.

Because, for the beast everything is difficult.

The beast creates difficulties where difficulties do not exist.

The beast creates obstacles where obstacles do not exist.

For a beast is a beast and the beast ignores who he is.

And who ignores who he is, does not know what he says, does not know what he speaks, does not know what he wants.

It is enough to be a thinker to be in the category where he is.

And who is in the category where he is, lives ignoring himself.

And who ignores himself, has no condition to argue that which he does not know.

For one to see that the development of the Reasoning is a quick thing, for being of Nature´s true natural.

In a very short time, everyone Reasoning altogether, for Nature´s natural phase, in which is the command of all her makings, with her feeding, developing what belongs to her.

For one to see that it is so quick, that you had no condition to calculate, when you lived ignoring who you were.

For who ignores who he is, lives in an unconsciousness state, for ignoring himself.

And who lives thus, is not in a condition to express the right, for he lives ignoring himself.

For one to see that the Rational Phase, is the most advanced phase of the life of the matter. And for being the most advanced phase, it develops itself quicker.

A quickness that no one can calculate.

For in the Reasoning are all the, precise and necessary resources gathered for your development in a short lapse of time, for in the Reasoning are all the basic, required, necessary and complete resources for that complement of the development of the Reasoning, with the incredible quickness of the Rational Energy, by the most powerful energy of the world.

Having been developed the Reasoning, one is connected with the Rational Energy, and becomes immunized by the RATIONAL WORLD.

And immunized by the RATIONAL WORLD, one returns to the RATIONAL WORLD, for being immunized by the RATIONAL WORLD.

(*)  Text in Portuguese:


Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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