rational moment 55

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Q1dy73C4FdYVZHelZfb3dCU25VVExxM2dSWUhNTHVrelc0  (Click on the link to hear the audio)


(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)




And in the all the beasts’ kingdom, the beasts always violated each other´s rights, as in the slavery time the human rights did not even exist.

And for that reason slavery existed.

After the thought´s development, you reached the sense of humanity, and in the feeling of the sense of humanity, the human rights were born then, there.

For, due to the existence of a great backwardness still in the development of the thought and also a little rudeness, the human rights could not fit directly in its true function.

For the human rights are: do not wish to your neighbor what you do not wish to yourself, and doing the good to all regardless.

These are the human rights: acknowledge that the world has an Owner of all these makings and Who made everything to maintain everything that He has made.

In order for the human rights to reach the true Owner of the world and all these makings.

The rights of the Creator of all these makings, who is the one who made our daily bread in order to maintain all the lives that He has made.

Then, the human rights coming to reach the Creator, Who is a Reasoning Superior to all Reasoning, the Supreme Reasoning, of the Rational Supremacy.

 Who is He?


But the human rights are of the Rational Phase.

It is an indication of the Rational phase, of the Reasoning´s development Phase, for in the thought phase, since the slaveries, human rights never existed, for your being rude beasts, born from the ground and very backward.

It works that way inside the Rational Phase.

Developing the Reasoning, the human rights work.

It is a human solidarity act.

The human rights were born inside the Rational Phase, for being already a call of the phase.

And everyone astonished with the rapid evolution of the Rational Phase, and of the Reasoning´s development, and to see almost overnight, everyone striving to develop the Reasoning.

The why of it?

For being Nature´s natural evolution.

And that is the evolution of the Reasoning´s development.

Everything that goes right always coming out right.

Well explained for who ignores.

And well explained for who knows what is the Reasoning and what is that potential that everyone had; but for living and not knowing yourselves, no one knew what the Reasoning was, for it is connected to the RATIONAL WORLD, where all the resources are found  for everything, and for stopping being thus once and for all, for knowing how to return to your true world, the true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD.



(*)  Text in Portuguese:



Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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