O livro-deus - inglês

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(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)



And for being a magnetic materialization, it is life and it is not life; suddenly the materialization ends, life ended.

The magnetism ended.

It is the materialized magnetism, but condensed in a magnetic mass, more solid.

And for that reason, life lasts for a few insignificant years.

For that reason you are there magnetizing each other, attracting one another.

The invisible magnetism and the visible magnetism which are the materialized magnetic bodies.

But for living ignoring yourselves, no one ever knew the why everyone is that way and the why everything is thus.

Now, you are coming to know yourselves, to know who you are and the why you are that way; magnetic bodies materialized in magnetic matter.

For being magnetic, everything purges, everything feels, everything aches, everything subject to infections, for being a magnetic fantasy.

A superficial thing, not a true thing, natural.

True and natural is the pure, clean and perfect Rational, in the RATIONAL WORLD.

Magnetism transformed itself from its true state of being, a pure, clean and perfect Plain, that transformed itself in liquid and degenerated itself in that electric and magnetic formation.

And for being a magnetic materialization, it has no guaranty.

Everything is of magnetic generation, generated by the magnetic energy.

The visible material beings and the invisible ones, who are the space inhabitants, of that Earthly Galaxy, that who does not know the owner of the thought named them spirits.

That is: experiences, spikes, thorns.

For not knowing yourselves and meddling with things that you do not know, generated by the magnetic energy.

The invisible beings and the visible beings.

Who meddles with whom you do not know, prickles oneself.

Enters a briar patch.

If you do not know what you see, why do you meddle with what you do not see?

If you live in that world of matter not knowing yourself, how can you know what is invisible, if you do not know what is visible.

And for not knowing, you suffer the consequences of wanting to enter an invisible world without knowing the invisible world.

Without knowing the why of the invisible beings´ existence.

Without knowing what is black and scarlet.

Thus is the life of the magnetized beings.

Already materialized, not knowing yourselves, already sufferers and mortals, you still are going to meddle with forces that you do not know, that you do not know why they exist, the result is always disagreeable: you suffer too much.

The magnetic energy generated all the beasts of the Earth and all the beasts of the space, of the stars and of the Lower Astral.

 And that is why the space´s all the beasts belong to infinity of classes, as well as the ones from the Earth.

There are the beasts with horns and tail and there are the ones without tail and without horns.

There are the ones of an improved class that present themselves as human beings and materialize themselves.

The same classes that exist on Earth exist in the space.

And for that reason they are all different, the ones from Earth and from the space

Everything and everyone generated, formed and made by the magnetic energy.

And thus is that world of magnetic matter. Sheer magnetism.

Everything is magnetism, and for everything being magnetism, everything ends by itself.

If it were not for the magnetism, we would be eternals.



(*)  Text in Portuguese:




Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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