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(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)




Life is of transformations; everything that transforms itself changes from one form to another and thus, everything goes on changing through the transformations, until coming to its natural state of being, for everything changes, everything transforms itself.

Everything changes from one form to the other, until coming to the true form of being through the transformations.

That is Nature´s true evolution.

And the ones who discerned Nature´s natural form, felt and saw that through the transformations everyone was on his way of encountering his natural form of being.

And thus, everything came transforming itself, ending in a form, ending in another, and came to the form through the transformations, the true natural form of being, which is the development of the Reasoning, coming thus, Nature´s natural phase.

And for that reason, see how many changes you have been through when education did not exist, in the phase that letters did not exist, numerals, words, and with the evolution, with the transformations, everything came developing itself and perfectioning itself, through the progress of the transformations.

A form of being ceases and transforms itself in another form of being, until you came to that great progress, that great evolution of living in search of the perfectioning of everything.

But for living forgotten of the beginning, when no one was educated, is the cause of the existence of the rude, backward and bestialized interpreters of life.

And the advanced, the enlightened ones with a completely different interpretation.

For the good interpreters of life, the evolved, enlightened and developed ones, with time, life´s solution would be found, as it was found, and there it is, the Rational Phase, the phase of the development of the Reasoning, of the Rational Clairvoyance and of the Rational Apparatus.

For there have always existed two layers, the advanced and the backward one.

The advanced ones thinking their way and the backward ones thinking their way.

Why that?

Because some evolve a little, others less, others more and others much more.

For that reason everyone is different, everyone is unequal.

And now, the Third Millennium Phase has arrived, the phase expected by many; the Rational Phase, the Spatial Phase, the phase of the development of the Reasoning, the Clairvoyance and of the Apparatus by Nature´s natural evolution.

And that one was Nature´s great evolution made by the owner of the thought and of the imagination.

Such a lapidation was because you ignored who you were and no one was able to say the why one were thus.

For everyone lived ignoring oneself.

And today, the everything of everything of everyone´s life in everyone´s hands, the animal of Rational origin´s true solution.

And today, everyone enriched by the development of the Reasoning, the Rational Clairvoyance and the Apparatus.

Enriched, for everyone returning to your World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD, with an amazing naturalness, for being Nature´s natural movement.

And that is Nature´s natural evolution phase, the Rational Phase, the Spatial Phase, the Third Millennium Phase.

For the one who already expected that phase, the world attained the summit of the summits, the true universal solution.

But for the ones who did not expect, by their backwardness state, it was the greatest surprise and admiration of all times.

The true solution of life and of the world is there on Earth already in the hands of the pioneers.

Everything starts from small and goes on growing through the transformations, until becoming big and coming to its true place.

And that is Nature´s natural evolution.


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(*)  Text in Portuguese:







Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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