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(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)




Who lives without knowing himself, has no one to rely on, for he lives ignoring why he lives, lives unknown to himself.

Lives ignoring why he exists in this world.

Lives ignoring why this world exists. Lives ignoring where he came from or to where he goes, or to where he would go.

Lives completely unknown of his existence in this world.

Lives for having life, but does not know the why and the cause of life being thus.

Lives without knowing from where the primitives were born.

Lives ignoring the primitive phases that he went through.

Lives without knowing the why you are thus and what you are.

Lives completely unknown to your origins.

You live ignoring why you were made from a water drop, which is the spermatozoon.

You exist, but do not know why you exist, for you live without knowing yourselves.

And who lives thus, not knowing himself, does not have with whom to rely or where to hold on to.

And living thus, ignoring why you were in that category of Rational beast, divided in two classes: Rational and irrational.

And thus, everyone living ignoring oneself, ignoring the cause of the existence of anything, ignoring the cause of the artificial progress, the cause of the beguiling, the cause of the appearances.

Unknown of the cause of everything, for not having effect without cause, not knowing why you were thinkers, sufferers and mortals.

Ignoring for what the imagination was made, ignoring for what the thought was made.

Ignoring how the Reasoning was made and for what it was made.

Ignoring who taught everyone to speak, everyone living unknown to themselves.

Ignoring who made everyone thus as they are.

And everyone living unknown to themselves.

Unknown of the cause of the existence of everything, of the world and of all its makings.

Ignoring who made the water.

Ignoring who made the Earth.

Ignoring the cause of the sun, of the moon and of the stars.

You lived completely unknown of everything and of yourselves.

Apparently, it seemed that everyone knew themselves, but appearances are not truths.

Now, yes, everyone came to know yourselves.

And for coming to know yourselves, you have with whom to rely on and where to hold on to.

For you know your true World of Origin and the RATIONAL SUPERIOR.

Today you have with whom to rely on and where to hold on to: the RATIONAL WORLD.

You know where you came from and know to where you go and know to where you were going.

Why all that?

Because you came to know yourselves.

And for the one who knows himself, there are no more mysteries, there are no more enigmas, there are no more phenomena, there are no finites and transfinite, for you know yourself.

And who does not know himself, he has no one to rely on, nor where to hold on to, and since you lived not knowing yourselves, no one had with who to rely on or to hold on to  and the disequilibrium of everyone and everything was great.

But now you came to know yourselves and for knowing yourselves you have changed classes.

From the Rational animal class to the Rational class.

From Rational animal to Rational Apparatus.

The thought phase was one and the Reasoning Phase is another.

The Rational life is a balanced life, and the Rational beast´s life is an unbalanced life for he is exposed to all artificial and natural evils, for being connected to two energies of the confinement and of the torments of life; the electric and magnetic energy.

To see that the change of Nature´s natural phase was the greatest grandiosity of all, for coming out of the lapidation phase and develop yourselves to go back to the perfection and return to what you were: pure, clean and perfect in your true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD.

To see that who came to know himself, counts with the RATIONAL WORLD, has to hold on to the RATIONAL WORLD.

Has with whom to rely on, which is the RATIONAL WORLD, for he came to know himself, has with whom to rely on and where to hold on, the world of the pure, clean and perfect, the world of everyone´s true origin.


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(*)  Text in Portuguese:




Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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