Mecânica Celeste e Racional


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(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)







To see that Nature´s natural transformations are to transform everyone into purity, which is everyone´s true state of being: pure, clean and perfect energy bodies of Rational cosmic mass.

Bodies of eternal life, with their progress of purity.

Such as there, in the firmament, luminous bodies often appear in all homes and in all places.

Luminous, for being pure, clean and perfect energy of Rational cosmic mass, Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD.

Who does not know call them light:

“Oh! I saw a great light or small.”

It is not light but Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD.

That is because the pure, clean and perfect bodies of energy are luminous bodies.

Some silvery, others blue, of assorted colors.

They are inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD.

But who does not know says:

“Oh! I saw a blue light, I saw a silvery light”.

They are not light; they are bodies of the RATIONAL WORLD, Inhabitants which are thus, luminous, of assorted colors.

But who does not know, says the way he thinks it is.

They are Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD, in that their bodies are luminous bodies for being of Rational cosmic mass energy.

And that, to appear there among everyone, inside the magnetic energy, they connect themselves to the magnetic energy, and everyone come to see them, and then all of a sudden they disconnect from the magnetic energy and disappear in the same spot.

Connect to the magnetic energy, they appear, disconnect, they disappear.

So that the magnetic energy beings may see them.

For that Terrestrial Galaxy is an electric and magnetic assembly.

They come from the RATIONAL WORLD to that Terrestrial Galaxy and connect themselves to that electric and magnetic field, so that everyone who is connected to the electric and magnetic energy may see them.

But who does not know them, speaks as they think it is, saying:        

“Oh! I saw a light.”

Silvery, big, small or blue, or of any other color.

He says soon that it is a light, for he does not know, cannot identify the Inhabitants of the Rational World.

For if they knew, they would ask and would have their requests complied.

For the ones who know they ask and are and have their requests complied.

Only for the good of everyone.

Requests only referring to the good.

To see the evolution of the Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD, here inside of that electric and magnetic Terrestrial Galaxy.

To see how great the evolution and the progress throughout  the Universe already is; the Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD appear advertising the Rational Phase, the phase of the spatial progress, the Third Millennium Phase and the culture of the development of the Reasoning; the RATIONAL CULTURE.

The Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD advertise in the whole Universe, divulging the culture of the development of the Reasoning, the RATIONAL CULTURE.


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(*)  Text in Portuguese:





Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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