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(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)




All the sons of the Rational animal phase remnants, also suffer the consequences of the lapidation, for being sons of the remnants of the Rational animal phase.

Now, those that are sons of couples who are already linked to the RATIONAL WORLD, who are already linked to the Rational Energy, these are born inside the Rational Phase, for the parents are already linked to the First World, the RATIONAL WORLD.

Son of Rational, Rational is.

These yes, are Rationals.

But the sons of the remnants of the Rational animal phase are not Rationals, for their parents are not linked to the RATIONAL WORLD.

The ones who are linked to the RATIONAL WORLD, already with the Clairvoyance developed and the Apparatus developed, and in contact with the Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD, the sons of these couples who are already linked, these yes, are Rationals, for their parents are linked to the Supreme World, the RATIONAL WORLD.

But the remnants of the Rational animal phase were linked to these two energies of the ground, the two lapidating energies.

In order to be born as Rational, it is required that the parents be linked to the RATIONAL WORLD.

If the parents are linked to the Rational Energy, the sons are born linked to the Rational Energy; they are sons of the Rational Energy.

And if the parents are linked to the electric and magnetic energy, to the energy of the ground, the sons are born linked to the energy which the parents are linked.

And that youth that is being born in the Rational Phase, is not Rational, for the parents are linked to these two energies of the ground, electric and magnetic.

And the sons are born linked to the energy which the parents are linked.

But many, for not having these enlightments, due to the children being born now in the Rational Phase, think that they are Rationals.

And that is the cause of the youth´s appalling and horrible suffering, which since long has been liquidating itself, due to the changes in Nature´s phase. And that is the cause of the youth clashing with the world, with everyone and everything.

Looking for a positive reality and not finding it, for feeling the effects of the Rational Phase.

Then, everyone clashes with everything and one against the other, not accepting the things of the ancients of the Rational animal phase.

Thinking that everyone is wrong and that everything is wrong, and that who is right are only them; the youth.

For receiving the Rational Phase influences and clashing with the ones who are linked to the energy of the ground, the electric and magnetic energy, thinking that they themselves are very advanced and that the whole past was a great delay.

Then, that is the cause of the youth´s disequilibrium, that is looking for something else, for a positive definition, conscious, Rational, from the world of its creation.

Not admitting old methods.

Thinking that everything is too much surpassed.

Why that?

All that influence of the phase, influence of the Rational phase, people looking for something defined with logic and basis.

They are against the backwardness, they were born evolved by the Rational Phase, but do not know it.

Feel that something exists in the world, but ignores where it is; lives looking for it everywhere, in all corners, and not finding it.

And when he finds the RATIONAL CULTURE, he says:

“That is what I was looking for.

That is what I need and what mankind needs: the complete definition of what we are, of who we are, of the why we are that way, where we came from, how we came, to where are we going and how do we go”.

And when he finds he says:

“That is true!

I thought that what I was looking for did not exist in the world.

Today I know the why of the Rational animal phase and the why of the Rational Phase”.

But until then, the youth had grown tired of suffering and tired of being liquidated.

But little by little the Book is coming to everyone´s hands, as well as the advertising that everyone has the duty to make, in order to save those who are still to come to know the Scripture.

The reproduction apparatuses who are linked to these two energies of the ground, electric and magnetic; the reproduction is born linked to the energies that the reproduction apparatus is linked.

Now, when one is linked and the other not, prevails the one who is linked to the energy of the ground.

It is necessary that the couple be, both, linked to one energy only, the Rational Energy, for the son to be formed and born inside that energy, the Rational Energy.

The son is born Rational because the parents are linked to the RATIONAL WORLD, and in contact with the Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD.

Then, the son generated himself and formed himself inside the Rational Energy: then, a Rational is born.

And in a little while, the youth will be linked and the sons will be born already linked to the Rational Energy, already linked to the RATIONAL WORLD.

He already is born inside the Rationalization.

He already is a legitimate Rational.

And in a little while, everyone will be linked to the RATIONAL WORLD and only Rationals will be born.

And there is the Rationalization, for everyone being born inside the Rational Energy, linked to the Rational energy.

And for the Earth becoming a true Rational Paradise, inside the Rationalization Phase, no one wants to get out of the Earth, for being inside a Rational Paradise.

The Rationalization phase has no lapidation.

Everyone linked to one energy only, the Rational Energy, the pure, clean and perfect energy, where there is no disequilibrium, a true paradise.


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(*)  Text in Portuguese:



Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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