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(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)






Who came to know himself, has to live knowing what life is, for he came to know himself and to know the why of life in order to get out of that second world.

For who came to know himself, lives Rationally well-balanced.

And who lives without knowing himself, lives out-of-balance the whole life, for living ignoring why he lives, for living ignoring himself.

And who came to know himself, cannot live as he lived before, for he has to respect the RATIONAL WORLD.

He has to change his demeanor; he has to respect the Inhabitant of the RATIONAL WORLD, who is materialized in the form of Reasoning machine, suffering in distress in that class of mortal.

And as regards the Inhabitant of the RATIONAL WORLD, who is materialized within himself as a Reasoning machine, one has to live with all due respect to that being, who is materialized within himself.

So as to lead him through his dematerialization process to his true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD.

For when he comes to know himself, he must respect himself, for he became aware that inside himself lives a materialized being: from the pure, clean and perfect world, from the RATIONAL WORLD, from the world of the eternals, from the world of the true DIVINE PROVIDENCE.

All that deserves your respect and everyone´s respect for the brilliance of your return to your true world.

Who came to know himself, must respect the Inhabitant of the RATIONAL WORLD, for without respecting him, one cannot achieve one´s return to your true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD.

At the time that you lived without knowing yourselves, it was alright that you lived not respecting yourselves and everyone.


Because you lived not knowing yourselves.

You lived in a state of unconsciousness.

And who lives in a state of unconsciousness, lives out-of-balance.

But after one starts to know himself everything changes.

He cannot anymore be the same as when he lived without knowing himself.

He came to know himself; he is living Rationally.

And he is already linked to Nature, striving to develop the dematerialization of the Inhabitant of the RATIONAL WORLD, who was there suffering, for he lived ignoring himself.     

And as you get to know yourself, you already go on changing classes, you already go on changing from the Rational beast category to the class of Rational Apparatus.

And the Rational Apparatus class is a class of honor to the RATIONAL WORLD.

And who honors the RATIONAL WORLD, returns to the RATIONAL WORLD, returns to his true world, the world of your true state of being.

And life of the Rational beast category is one, for living like a beast.

And the Rational Apparatus class is already starting to link itself to the RATIONAL WORLD.

One must honor and respect to be able to return to your true place, to your true world, and get out of that second world.

For one is striving to develop the Inhabitant of the RATIONAL WORLD´S dematerialization who was in that second world, suffering the consequences, for you lived without knowing yourselves.

For who came to know himself, life is Rational.

Who lives like a beast, as you can see the world over, all the beasts have no one to rely on or where to hold on, for they are in the beast category.

But, since the beast has no one to rely on or where to hold on, that is why the beast is there, in these conditions of sufferers and mortals.

Rational does not die, moves from the second world to his true world.

Rational is not mortal. Mortal is the Rational beast who goes on transforming himself into inferior classes of the ground there, for being linked to these two energies of the ground.

And who came to know himself has to zeal for what he knows, has to zeal for the RATIONAL WORLD and for the return of the Inhabitant of the RATIONAL WORLD who is materialized in the form of Reasoning machine.

One has to zeal for the Inhabitant of the RATIONAL WORLD to be able to return to the RATIONAL WORLD, the world of the pure, clean and perfect, with their progress of purity.

Life is Rational, for Nature´s natural phase is there, the phase of the development of the Reasoning, of the Clairvoyance and of the Rational Apparatus.

And now is the time for everyone to become again what you were, pure, clean and perfect Rationals in your true World of Origin.

It is the Rational Apparatus duty to help his ALTER EGO to achieve that final victory; the return to his true world.

It is time for the RATIONAL CONSECRATION of oneself, of being consecrated by the RATIONAL WORLD, by the respect, by the obedience, by the persistence and by the collaboration.

And the RATIONAL CONSECRATION is the most beautiful thing that can exist.

And everyone will attain the RATIONAL CONSECRATION if you work for it.



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(*)  Text in Portuguese:


Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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