
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Q1dy73C4FdUzR0d1NoaXRRTUU  (Click on the link to hear the audio)


(Compiled from the Rational Literature written by the Superior Rational)




And, thus, the Rational animal, with his illogical and baseless arguments, is in his whole life at the mercy of the illusions, inside this bonfire, which made everyone suffer.

Today, in order to have the knowledge of why there was the phase of animal and, within it, all the unconsciousness and the conscious phase , bringing within the total and permanent balance of everyone in this world.

So, with peace, love and fraternity everything will be resolved because the immunized is guided by his true World of Origin; he lives with peace, love and fraternity.

And, likewise, after everyone gets immunized, they will live in peace, with love and fraternity, for being guided by the RATIONAL WORLD, the true world of the origin of the Rational Apparatus.

The Earth will become, in no time, a true Rational Paradise, where everyone will understand one another, wish all the good things to their akin and, through RATIONAL CULTURE, obtaining the real balance for the sake of humanity.

Rational Culture will bring peace, fraternity and the Rational love. It is mandatory that humanity get in contact with the RATIONAL CULTURE, whose knowledge is of our World of Origin.

So everyone has to come to terms with their origin and meet the world they never knew. It is time everyone knew the reason for the existence of this stinking, dirty and decaying body of mud.

Everyone will know the cause of this vexing and ridiculous situation. So, it is mandatory to know RATIONAL CULTURE, which is the world of everyone’s origin, the true world of humanity, from where we all came and to where we will return.

Therefore, everyone will come to this conclusion, some will get there earlier, some others later; some will be very interested in it and some others will show no interest at all for stupidity or being careless; no matter how long it may take, this is the real way and it will be through RATIONAL CULTURE.


(*)  Text in Portuguese:




Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
Esse post foi publicado em AUTOCONHECIMENTO, Livros, Saúde e bem-estar e marcado , , , , , , . Guardar link permanente.

Uma resposta para RATIONAL MOMENT 18


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