rational moment 64.png


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(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)




The beast, for being a beast, is rude; for being rude and rebel and stubborn, is full of joys and wills.

They heard about the Reasoning, but did not know what the Reasoning was.

They did not know that the Reasoning belonged to the RATIONAL WORLD, the true world, that was of everyone´s true World of Origin, for they judged and thought that thought and Reasoning were the same thing.

And for that reason, they thought and said that they were Reasoning; why?

Because they lived not knowing themselves.

And for that reason, they heard about the Reasoning and paid no attention to it.

They heard about the Rational Phase and paid no attention to it.

They heard about RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION and paid no attention to it


Because they did not know that the Reasoning was from the RATIONAL WORLD, from the world above, and the thought from the ground´s origin.

No one knew themselves and they confused the thought with the Reasoning.

They started to think and to say that they were Reasoning, for thinking that the Reasoning was also from the ground´s origin: for the Reasoning being a machine they judged and thought that the Reasoning also belonged to the material mechanics.

For they lived ignoring themselves and ignored that the Reasoning was an Inhabitant of the RATIONAL WORLD, that extinguished himself on top of the beginning of the matter, of the water and of the earth, and materialized in the form of  Reasoning machine.

But no one knew themselves, no one knew the why that it was that way, and everyone lived confused, for no one knowing themselves.

And for being in that category of Rational beast, every beast is confused, every beast distrusts everything, is afraid of everything, doubts everything; and every beast is materialist, lives only for the matter, for being of that category of Rational beast.

And that is why the Rational beast takes so long to become aware of inedited things in their own benefit.


Because the beast is stubborn, is rebel; they are full of wills and of joys, of manias, of vices, for being imperfect and full of defects.

So that is why the beasts are thus: whimsical, full of whims and artifices and many that could have returned to the RATIONAL WORLD, descended to inferior classes.

Some for not wanting to become aware, and others, after becoming aware, for this, for that , or for that other, forsaking to know what they most required in their lives, to know how to return to where they came out from; from the RATIONAL WORLD.

All that why?

For being in that category of Rational beast.

And every beast is full of wills, full of joys, full of manias.

That is the cause of the beasts remaining in the same category of Rational beast and remaining in the twentieth second eternity, for using the will and the joys as they wish, for the will is free.

To see that for living without knowing themselves, they thought that the Reasoning was equal to the thought.

All that for living ignoring themselves, and then, ignoring where one is from, and where the other is from.



(*)  Text in Portuguese:


Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
Esse post foi publicado em AUTOCONHECIMENTO, Livros, Saúde e bem-estar e marcado , , , , , , , , , , . Guardar link permanente.

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