O livro-deus - inglês


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(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)




Who has already come to know oneself does not want to know anything else but to stop being thus, a sufferer and mortal being, and return to one´s true world, the RATIONAL WORLD, since the life of the nothing has nothing to give to anyone, for the nothing ends in nothing.

And who has come to know oneself, does not want to remain being so, a sufferer and mortal, for he knows where he came from and to where he is going, how he came and how he goes.

Today, many are already with the Reasoning, the Clairvoyance and the Apparatus well developed.

For they read until they feel what they learned; reading and reading in order to feel and know how to impart.

When one feels, one feels the effect of the development made by the Rational Energy.

It is the same thing as taking a medicine and feel its effect; thus is the development made by the Rational Energy, to feel what one is reading, what one is learning, to feel the effect of the Rational Energy´s development.

One is feeling the medicine´s effect, which is the same as feeling the development.

But reading without any feeling, is no good, for one took the medicine and did not feel its effect, for having skimmed over, reading just for reading, as if discharging a duty, or custom, or curiosity.

Reading that way is the same as not reading at all, for one did not feel the medicine´s effect, which is the development made by the Rational Energy.

Then, do not you know that the Rational Energy is a medicine that you are taking for the development of the Reasoning, the Clairvoyance and the Apparatus?

Not feeling is the same as taking any medicine and not feeling its effect. It did not do any good.

You took a laxative and did not feel the effect; it did not do any good.

Thus is the reading, not feeling what one read does not do any good. One has to read several times, until feeling the effect of the medicine, which is the development made by the Rational Energy.

Now, skimming over, out of curiosity, as if under an obligation or just to observe what RATIONAL CULTURE is, one cannot feel.

And not feeling it is of no use taking the medicine.

Every medicine only cures when one feels its effect.

Thus is the Rational Energy.

One must read and reread until feeling what one is transmitting through the development made by the Rational Energy.

Or sometimes one is reading and, for the thought being weakened, one starts to vary, thinking infinity of peculiar things, due to the thought being weakened and unstable, starting to vary, due to the magnetism being involved in the thought.

The Reasoning goes on developing itself, goes on dominating and the equilibrium goes on arriving and the disturbing magnetic extinguishing itself.

The magnetic is varying, but with persistence in the reading comes the stability and the cure.

And after cured one becomes balanced.


The Reasoning starts to dominate the thought until the Reasoning exerts total domination, when the magnetic´s disturbance will disappear.

And the Reasoning goes on developing itself, goes on growing and dematerializing the magnetic energy, and the mind becoming with time firm and balanced.

But in the beginning it is really like that, the Reasoning starts to work, and the magnetic becomes disturbed and starts to disturb, starts to vary, to think infinity of different and scabrous things, and the magnetic feeling the effect of the development of the Reasoning, becomes disturbed and starts to want to fight the development of the Reasoning.

And in that fight, the thought starts to vary, for the magnetic feels the development of the Reasoning.

Generally, almost every beginner is like that.

But the Reasoning ends by beating the magnetic, dematerializing it and disconnecting it. After being disconnected, the mind is taken over by the Reasoning, by the development of the Reasoning and the attention becomes balanced in the reading of the development of the Reasoning.

For the Rational Energy is the most powerful energy, for being pure, clean and perfect, from the Superior World, the RATIONAL WORLD.



(*)  Text in Portuguese:





Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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