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(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)




Nature´s natural magnetism formed the apparent beauties, natural of Nature.

In order to better magnetize, impress, and then, be able to tame and domesticate the wild beasts, during a time that education did not exist.

Everyone was ruled that way.

Afterwards, came the development of the imagination, through the magnetism produced by the magnetic energy.

Then, appearing the artificial beauties.

For everyone to be lapidated, by the artifice, as you are being lapidated until today.

That is the cause of the natural and artificial beauties, for there is no effect without cause.

But for living ignoring yourselves and ignoring the existence of everything, you could never know the cause of the existence of the natural beauties and of the artificial beauties.

For what they existed and for what they exist.

What is the purpose of the natural and artificial beauties?

The purpose is the lapidation of the wild beasts at the time that education did not exist, and until today you are being lapidated by the natural and artificial beauties.

Everyone, thus, magnetized, in order to be lapidated by all that magnetism, as you are being  now, in that class of thinkers, imaginers, sufferers and mortals.

Everyone being ruled by the beauties of the magnetism; natural and artificial.

As they usually say: who loves the ugly, loves for it appears beautiful to him, and consequently is lapidated by that beautiful.

The natural beauties are many, where there are perfumes that magnetize all the beauties, magnetize and enchant, are enchanted by the natural beauties, the perfumes and the artificial beauties.

They are Nature´s natural beguiling, to beguile everyone, and by means of such beguiling, exert a strong lapidation.

But while you are being beguiled, you hardly feel the lapidation.

The beguiling is for soothing the lapidation´s horrors, the devastating and scorching suffering of the whole world.

But there are the beguiling which is the pastime and the sustenance of life.

While fed by the beguiling, you are with that hope that everyone has of the days to come, for the ones who live without knowing themselves, as you always lived, full of hope, for being ruled by the artificial and natural beauties, which are the beguiling.

To see that the magnetism of the natural beauties and of the artificial beauties, are for the artificial beguiling.

For, by means of these beguiling, of all these natural and artificial beauties, to tame the wild beasts, gentle the wild beasts, civilize the wild beasts and be able to Rationalize the wild beasts.

All that was required and necessary to exist for lapidating the human beasts, during a time that education did not exist, and went on until today, after you became educated.

For the extermination of the rudeness, of the backwardness, the brutality and the ferocity.

These are the causes of the natural and artificial beauties.

Passing beauties, for everything passes; everything ends by itself in nothing.


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(*)  Text in Portuguese:



Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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