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Hello, Folks!

The world we live in is a world that is unnatural and therefore in constant movement to return to its true origin.

Everything is energy in the form of beings, and these beings are then moved by these energies: magnetic, electric and now, in the Third Millennium Phase, by the RATIONAL ENERGY, which is the energy responsible for leading everything and everyone to their natural original state, which is of RATIONAL, pure, clean and perfect energy.

No one commands themselves as long as they are connected to the electric and magnetic energies, thought and imagination, the primary energies of the Second Millennium, which polish and prepare everyone for the RATIONAL ENERGY CONNECTION.

By living without knowing each other, under the electric and magnetic command and unknown to its true origin, humanity has become materialistic and cannot see the change of phases in Nature, because everyone lives artificially.

People have not realized that Nature has come to command existence through the RATIONAL ENERGY, and complete its mission of returning everything and everyone to their natural state of being, for the RATIONAL ENERGY is the Energy of our true nature, the First World.

And so the electric and magnetic energies were removed from Nature’s command and went bankrupt and got liquidated, destroying the thinkers because they entered the Phase of the Development of the Reasoning – they should either develop Reasoning by linking with the RATIONAL ENERGY, or they will bankrupt and get liquidated by their electric and magnetic connections with thought and imagination.

The Rational Phase of the Third Millennium has entered, with the RATIONAL ENERGY commanding Nature, making everyone known that they are all doing wrong on Earth. No rotting can be hidden, and for this reason people can see the sad reality of life. It is mandatory that people wake up to the need to correct themselves and enter the RIGHT LINE of Reasoning, unconditional love, doing good to anyone regardless their differences, not wishing them what they do not want for themselves.

And so, knowing that ambition and greed have brought us into this life of injustice and general dissatisfaction, people then can decide to correct themselves through the energy the TRUTH contained in the book Universe in Disenchantment of Rational Culture, and embrace the development of the Reasoning, as it has been proved and that thought divides and brings discord and that only reasoning unites and brings concord.

Therefore, all must correct themselves within the RATIONAL LINE, in order not to be destroyed by the darkness of this Second World, darkness commanded by magnetic energy, which feeds on the destruction of life to cleanse the earth.

Everything is absolutely right: magnetic energy is collaborating with the UPPER WORLD, the RATIONAL WORLD, by removing from the earth the harmful elements that are not interested in the good of everything and everyone, because these elements refuse to behave within the natural laws of peace, love, brotherhood and are harming the GOODNESS in this world. This is becoming unsustainable because suffering in the world has reached unbearable limits.

One has to develop one’s Reasoning because thinking people become wolves under sheepskin.

The world is heading for glorious days because the magnetic energy is trying to destroy all the thinkers, who for millions of millennia have been insisting on harming their fellow men, making the earth a true ordeal of suffering, tears and pain.

This was the decision of True Divine Providence, which provided for the arrival on Earth the Book of Universe in Disenchantment of Rational Culture, containing all the necessary complement of KNOWLEDGE that we lack to understand all the previous philosophical, scientific, and religious knowledge that was given in the Second Millennium to prepare us for the Third Millennium Phase.

All this is for us to see how everything that has existed and that still exists deserves our total respect and gratitude because had we not received this knowledge, we would definitely be dipped in total darkness.

Now it is essential to read daily and seriously the books “Universe in Disenchantment” to complete ourselves culturally, leaving our condition as mediums, which means “in the middle of knowledge”, and pass to the class of Rational Apparatus, equipped with the RATIONAL ENERGY, the energy of our true natural being, so that we can develop our REASONING and be guided and led by THE REASONING, thus being reconnected to THE TRUE GOD for all eternity, because GOD is a RATIONAL BEING, not an animal.

Being GOD,  the Superior Reasoning to all Reasonings and the Superior Energy Superior to all energies. The SUPERIOR RATIONAL is the condition of GOD, not only in the name, because in the world of GOD, the RATIONAL WORLD, everyone is equal, Rational pure, clean and perfect, there need no names to qualify the differences.

The true condition of everyone is in the RATIONAL WORLD – THE WORLD OF RATIONAL BEINGS. The condition of the living on Earth is of RATIONAL ANIMALS because we are all Rational that have decayed, degenerated, deformed, polluted and weakened, for abusing the free will. Therefore, there is this great and last opportunity to recover, and this recovery is made by the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which we have achieved through the development of our Reasoning, our connection to the Energy of our true natural – THE RATIONAL ENERGY, with the daily reading of the Book “Universe in Disenchantment” of Rational Culture, praised be the Divine Providence, which provided our return – the return of humanity – to its true natural state of being by the development of the Reasoning!


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(*)  Text in Portuguese:

Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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