
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Q1dy73C4FdOWtZNlBOdDBXZ0E  (Click on the link to hear the audio)


(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)



Thought and imagination maintained in past eras the white slavery. At a later stage the black slavery. It is for that reason that nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything transform itself from one life to the other.

From an old and sick machine it transforms itself in a new machine that has more endurance for being new, to stand the monstrous lapidations.

The second world is an anti-world, before that one there is the first world that gave consequence to that anti-world.

The Rational Energy is the energy of the true human rights. And that is why the human rights were born in the Rational Phase, in the third millennium phase and not in the second millennium phase. That is why the Rational Energy transmitted in the thinkers´ Reasoning machine the Human Rights.


A question that will only cease to exist after developing the Reasoning. With the Reasoning developed, you will find the human rights. You will find peace, love, fraternity, and everyone´s true union, of one for everyone and everyone for one. The one being the RATIONAL WORLD.

The human rights are one thing only and the thoughts are all different. And for being different everyone live one against the other.

The human rights were transmitted by the Rational Energy into the thinkers Reasoning machine, and the thinkers started to talk about the human rights without it being possible to work in the thought phase, for everyone thought differently one from the other, the cause of the existence of the confusions.

The human rights can only exist after everyone´s Reasoning is developed, for the human rights are Rational.

When everyone come to know oneself through the development of the Reasoning, the human right will come to function, for being Rational, for being of the Phase of the peoples Rationalization, which is to know the world of one´s race through the development of the Reasoning and know how to return to the world of one´s race, the RATIONAL WORLD.

And with time you will come to the Rationalization Phase – with time, for no one can grow up in the day which is born.

(*)  Text in Portuguese:


Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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Uma resposta para RATIONAL MOMENT 34


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