momento racional 103 - deus escreve certo por linhas tortas


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(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)




And thus, you think that the Literary Work “UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT” is an allegory, as any history that is useless, such as the world´s great wisdom that was of no use to anyone.

And that is why humankind is in this inferno that does not keep anyone peaceful anymore.

Many, thinking thus, disillusioned of everything and thinking that the Book “UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT” is another complicated history to elude, say:

“To elude humankind, as everyone lives eluded with everything and with life, it is enough the multitude of works and books that exist all over the world and that were useless. And for being of no use, look how humankind´s calamitous situation is in the whole world”.

And these deluded ones, in order to be able to read and know what the culture of the development of the Reasoning is, require many basic and logical arguments to show and prove to them that the RATIONAL CULTURE is not any sort of Rational animal culture.

RATIONAL CULTURE is a culture which comes from the First World to the second world, through an Apparatus already with a developed Reasoning, who thus, came to this second world, ready and prepared to get connected to the First World.

For He is an Apparatus who comes from the First World, as all that Rational deformation comes from the First World: with the deformation of the part of the plain that was not ready to enter into progress, this second world arose.

And for that reason, there you all are, knowing who you are, Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD, materialized in the form of Reasoning machine.

To see that everyone is from the First World.

But there is someone who came from the First World, already prepared to make contact with the First World.

And there you have the Literary Works of the First World.

Who lives without knowing himself, thinks that the Literary Work “UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT” belongs to the second world.

A work of the spirits of the second world.

For this one studied much, researched much, got tired to look for the Truth of the truths and never found it, making thus his own judgments of how he thinks life is.

He sees the Book “UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT” and thinks that it is one more history equal to all the others which always existed in this second world.

The day he discovers that it is a Book of the First World, which is a Literary Work of the First World and not of the second world, what regret! What deception!

And he goes on saying:

“It was really that which I was looking for and never found, and that I thought it did not exist in the world.

For I researched everything, read everything and stayed the same in that second world, as if I knew nothing. Ignoring its beginning and its end.

But already living indignant with life, deluded of everything, so that who came to introduce me to a book, was introducing an enemy to me.

Why an enemy?

Because I lost years researching everything, reading everything to see if I discovered the true origin of the world and of humankind, and I never found in any book.

There is not in any book anything that indicates where I came from; to where I go and the why I am thus.

That information does not exist in any book in the world, in that second world, and for that reason, who spoke to me about the book was speaking about an enemy.

For I read a lot and the reading did not do anything to me, for I stayed the same and not wanting to know anything anymore, for being deluded of everything.

And that judgment that I made impaired and delayed me a lot.

For I could have been already reading that Literary Work of the First World long ago, and I thought that it was a work from here, of the second world, without logic, without basis, without beginning and without end, such as all of them that exist in the second world.

And that is how the atheists and the materialists are born, who live in that second world without knowing themselves and apparently thinking that they know themselves.

Today is when I certified myself that it is a different LITERARY WORK from the others here of the second world.

For in the second world, everyone lives enchanted inside it and that is why no one ever knew where one came from and to where one goes.

And for being a Literary Work of the First World, it disenchants that second world, showing everyone,  proving and verifying, with basis and logic, the cause and origin of that second world.

And also, the cause and origin of the Rational animal.

And also, the cause and the origin of everything that exists.

Now, today, through the clarifications found in the Literary Work of the First World, “UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT”, I can see how many deluded ones like me exist in the whole Universe.

Now, the way the clarifications came to me through the advertising, arose my curiosity to know who that RATIONAL SUPERIOR is.

Today, I know who the RATIONAL SUPERIOR is, for I deepened myself into the culture of the development of the Reasoning, to get to know the why of the enchantment, and the why of the disenchantment.

And today, I came to know myself, such as the ones who came to know themselves and who even were once materialists like me.

Today I know who I am, the why I am thus, where I came from and to where I go.

I came to know the second world where I live and the why of the First World”.

Today, for having come to know yourselves, you know the cause of all makings that exist in this second world, for you know that there is no effect without cause.

And who knows the cause of the effects, has conditions to solve the situation of the facts.

And for that reason, see that in the RATIONAL PHASE there is no death.

Because the Inhabitant that is materialized in the form of Reasoning machine, returns to where he came out from, and life continues from the second world to the First World.

What belongs to the FIRST WORLD returns to the FIRST WORLD, which is the INHABITANT of the RATIONAL WORLD.

To see that who came to know himself does not die anymore.

Only the ones who do not know themselves die, for being connected to these two energies of the ground and continue to live there on the ground, connected to these two energies, which are there. These continue to die and to be born in the same category in which they belong of Rational beast, divided into two classes: Rational and irrational.

To see that who came to know himself does not belong anymore to the Rational beast category, but rather to the Rational Apparatus class.

And who came to know himself, is linked to the Rational Energy and for that reason, is linked to the RATIONAL WORLD.

And for being linked to the RATIONAL WORLD, has with whom to rely and where to hold on.

Who is connected to the First World, is much above everyone and everything of the second world.

That is the truth, for truth is not vanity.

Vanity is what is not truth.


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(*)  Text in Portuguese:



Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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