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(Compiled from the Rational Literature of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR)




The sun, the moon and the stars.

The earth, the water, the animals and the vegetal.

The sun is the generator father, creator and destroyer.

The water is the mother.

The Earth is the foster mother (that does not produce anything without the water).

The command of these seven parts is in these two energies: the electric and the magnetic.

The world is an electric and magnetic set.

The energy transformed into liquid, which is the semen, for in that way are made all the reproduction seeds of all makings that exist as reproduction apparatuses of brothers-children, for everyone being sons of one Nature only. The animal seed, the vegetal seed and the mineral seed.

These two energies are the life, owners of all lives: animal, vegetal and mineral, for the world is an electric and magnetic set.

And the sun is the maximum component of that set, for in it are gathered all the virtues of the Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD, who entered, jaunting, into the plain.

That is why the sun is the maximum component, for the Inhabitant of the RATIONAL WORLD being materialized in the form of Reasoning

And as the maximum component, made by the virtues lost by the Rationals, it commands the Rationals who extinguished themselves on top of the beginning of the earth and the water

And these virtues became gathered in the focus of light commanding the Rationals who extinguished themselves in the beginning of the earth and the water thence giving cause to the Reasoning machine.

And that is why the son is the most powerful star for being made from the virtues lost by the Rationals who extinguished themselves in the beginning of the earth and the water.

It became the King Star of all the beasts from the ground as the true generator, creator and destroyer, for it being made of the virtues of the Rationals who extinguished themselves, being him the true progress father of Nature´s natural transformations.

Water, the mother.

And the Earth the foster mother.

The sun, as it heated up, went on heating the plain and the plain transforming itself, as it transformed itself, at once, into water and earth.

The Rational Energy of the RATIONAL PLAIN transformed itself into these two energies, giving cause to these two sexes: the woman made by the magnetic energy and the man made by the electric energy.

And thus, Nature conducted itself, making everyone reproduction apparatuses of brothers-children.

To see the why the sun is the dominating star, for being made by the Rationals´ lost virtues.

That was the first transformation: the Rationals´ lost virtues transformed themselves into that focus of light.

And later, the second transformation, which was the transformation of the Rational  plain  into these two energies: water and earth, electric and magnetic.

Which for being already originated from a transformation, started to heat up and that heat transformed the Rational plain into these two energies of Rational origin.

And for that reason the sun became the primitive star of the transformation, as the chief causer of all transformations.

And for that reason the sun is regarded as the father of the transformations, the water the mother, and the earth the foster mother, because all the plain´s transformations departed from the sun, from the primitive Rationals who came progressing on their own and as they went progressing on their own went on losing their virtues.

There it is, the primitive cause of the transformations: the sun.

And the causers of the sun are the Inhabitants of the Rational World who extinguished themselves on top of the earth and the water and materialized in the form of Reasoning machine.



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(*)  Text in Portuguese:



Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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