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It is never too much to remember that it is Nature who creates us, governs and maintains us, as the true tool which SHE is of the SUPREME REASONING, which is GOD.

And being formed by HER, we are similar to Her. SHE gives us beautiful, bright, quiet days that fill us with joy: showing her positive side. She also gives us agitated, violent, sad, gray, sometimes terrifying days: showing her negative side.

And all this to say: “Look how I am! So are you, because you are my children, pay attention, you must KNOW so that you can contemplate only what is best within you!”

Nature is a BEING, as we are also BEINGS. She has her inner flower and her intimate pain. Her intimate honey and her intimate gall.

But there is also the best of what is in HER, her innermost of PEACE, which is the balance between honey and gall, between good and evil, which is her inner ETERNAL, RATIONAL PERSONALITY, which She brings within  from the origin, from the Upper World to which She belongs, which is the place that She left and to where She is returning.

And in her likeness, we are also bearers of the RATIONAL PERSONALITY, because we are original from the same Upper World from which She came.

And that is why evil, which you proclaim as hell, as well as good, which the traditional mindset represents as heaven, are within each one of us, in the innermost of our being.

And it is in this intimacy of our being that we also find PEACE, which belongs to our RATIONAL PERSONALITY, the only link that was left to us from our original body, the only link to our True World of Origin, the World of the Eternals, the RATIONAL WORLD.

And so, outside of each one of us, nobody finds ANYTHING!

There is the triad, which over time could not be defined with exactness and precision, except in the present stage of the Third Millennium, where nature clarifies us everything in the Her Books, Universe in Disenchantment, which we briefly described: IMAGINATION, THINKING AND REASONING.

And so is Nature, as are we, three in one, or TWO IN ONE, if we consider thought and imagination as one coin with its two faces, which belong to the earthly dimensions. Then evil and good are within each one of us, and not outside.

As well as PEACE, which is an asset of our RATIONAL part, our eternal part, which brings us back to the transcendental, making our return to the world from where we come and to which we belong, the RATIONAL WORLD.

It is worth knowing all this, in detail, in the Books Universe in Disenchantment of Rational Culture, the natural culture of Nature, from the RATIONAL part of Mother Nature.



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(*)  Text in Portuguese:




Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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