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The life of each one of us is undergoing a great transformation from the absolute unconscious to the absolute consciousness, that is from thought to Reasoning.

This process is rapid because nature has been preparing humanity for this change for millions of years, and this preparation, through thought, ended in 1935.

During this phase, which was the stage of development of the imagination and thought, humanity was led like a puppet by invisible beings to build systems for their own stoning, their own suffering, systems still adopted by most humans. These systems were built from the earliest times, to improve the roughness of humanity and make it civilized; it has been done through several phases ranging from monsters, savages to civilized.

Conclusion: From 1935 to these days, anyone who has not reached the civilization developed by thought has now been prevented from reaching it, unless he recovers his lost time. Without achieving this recovery, he continues in the shameful state of a puppet – and in the middle of the third millennium phase, the phase of Reasoning.

This recovery is found in the natural culture of Nature, the Rational Culture of the Universe in Disenchantment Books, which aim at developing the Reasoning of the prepared one, as well as the recovery of the unprepared ones, so that they can adapt to the new phase of nature, the Rational Phase of the Third Millennium.

But Nature is not blamed for people’s lack of preparation. Those who are considered unprepared are those who have always opposed the teachings of Nature, placing themselves in the state where they are today, unprepared.

The new phase of Nature, the Rational Phase, presenting several proofs, has always signaled its validity on Earth with the birth of highly evolved children, who can easily perceive the nullity of the material life, where the majority of this humanity plays the sad role of a mere puppet of invisible forces and ignores the truth about the origin and the real function of these invisible beings on Earth.

These children come to Earth leaving adults perplexed by their human way of living with their fellow beings, irrational animals, plants and other beings of Nature.

They give lessons in civility, simplicity, humility, love, peace, brotherhood and harmony, which most adults cannot put into practice, even after so many studies, because they live often contrary to what they say and what they do.

This is indisputable proof that everything that was learned in the previous phases did not have the strength to make the Rational animals free themselves from obsolescence. Everything seems magnanimous and convincing, but it is not enough to make human beings behave in a truly balanced way.

People remain poorly educated, abusive, unaware that freedom and righteousness end when they interfere with the freedom and rights of the others. A good life is only possible when there is order, respect and discipline for the harmony with everyone; otherwise, life becomes completely disorganized, sick, unhappy and reduced to nothing.

For this reason, there are the Books of Rational Culture – Universe in Disenchantment – the natural culture of all, so that everyone knows and assumes their true natural of Rational Beings.

The phase of the Second Millennium has already passed, for it was the phase of thought that reigned all along the path of suffering, the path of absolute unconsciousness and the stoning of humanity.

Today the Phase is the Third Millennium, the phase of the development of the Reasoning, so that all humanity knows itself and can be led by its Reasoning, which is the True Owner of life. Therefore, the Rational positive consciousness will take place, that is to say, the ruling of Absolute Consciousness.

May everyone want to know and behave by the development of their reasoning. So, good health and peace for all on the Rational Road!



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Sobre nalub7

Uma pessoa cuja preocupação única é trabalhar em prol da verdadeira consciência humana, inclusive a própria, através do desenvolvimento do raciocínio, com base nas leis naturais que regem a natureza e que se encontram no contencioso da cultura natural da natureza, a CULTURA RACIONAL, dos Livros Universo em Desencanto.
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